Wednesday, May 22, 2013

  Good thing you clicked here first, so you won't get lost or frustrated with this blog! On each and

every assignment I have posted on the blog, there will be two links on the bottom of every page

which lead you back home, (to the table of contents,) or move on to the next essay. One thing I've

noticed about these blogs I made was that the pictures also served as links to totally irrelevant sites. I

never intended for the pictures to be used that way, only to serve as visual rhetoric. Please avoid

clicking the pictures. I've alsonoticed on one of the sample blogs that its a bit easy to get lost. If you

are new to other's blogs, I'll help you avoid that by letting you know before hand!! I also put

everything one one page (intro statement, and essay) for each assignment so you won't get carpel

tunnel syndrome from all the clicking. my intention for this portfolio was to resemble a magazine,

and make it easy for everyone to use. Enjoy!

Click me to get home!
No! Click me to head to the Opening Statement!